Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson
Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Sunday, June 2, 2013


With the television season coming to an end, Brett and I decided to find a series to watch on Netflix for the summer. We decided on the 1st season of 24. I've seen the last season and Brett has seen most of the other seasons, but since neither of us had seen the 1st season, it seemed like a good choice. Now, first of all, let me say that I hope this doesn't come across as self-righteous to any of you who may be fans of 24. Maybe I've become hyper-sensitive since becoming a mother, or maybe I'm just sheltered, but after watching the first 2 1/2 episodes, we were both in shock and immediately turned it off, deciding it wasn't worth it to watch at all anymore.

First of all, I am aware that 24 is known for its violence. I also know the 1st season debuted in 2001. I thought with it being a bit older, it wouldn't be as bad as some other things on TV today. WRONG. There were very explicit sexual scenes, drug use (shooting up), crazy violence (including a thumb being cut off), and girls making out with each other, all within the first 3 episodes! And this was all on a show that was on TV 12 years ago.

Maybe I'm a prude, but both Brett and I had quite a few jaw dropping moments. Not the kind where we were shocked by a twist in the plot, but jaw dropping because we couldn't believe our eyes! I feel like it could have been a Rated R movie.

It makes me so sad to see what is on TV these days. Every thing is pushing the limits. I remember when I was a kid and some entertainment choices included Full House, Boy Meets World, TGIF, etc. And that was in the evening! Now, I feel like there is nothing on TV that I would want Kayla watching. And we don't even have cable or satellite, this is just on regular programming. Even several of the comedies that I enjoy are becoming more and more scandalous. Children (and adults for that matter) can be exposed to sensitive/inappropriate things on television so easily and so early.

I guess the point of this is that the world is becoming increasingly shocking to me. I pray that I can be the kind of mother to Kayla that will help prepare her for this world she is growing up in. She's going to need to have her guard up constantly. More and more, I'm grateful for the church programs that help our children and youth develop the necessary tools to survive in this world. On a final (and somewhat ridiculous) note, I was listening to the Saturday's Warrior soundtrack in the car the other day. When the final song came on with the baby being born, I couldn't help but tear up. The children being born today are really going to have to stand to fight the world and not bend with the wind or the chains that the world throws at them. (yes, those are the lyrics) :)

Parenting is such a humbling responsibility and I pray that I can be worthy of the task. I'm grateful for a good husband that will most definitely help me and who sets an amazing example.

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