Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson
Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Texas State Aquarium

This last week, our great friends, Mark, Emily and Noah Hendricks came for a visit. Emily was one of my first friends at college and we were roommates for a couple years. Mark works for American Airlines, so they get a great deal on flights and we were so excited they decided to come visit us again this year! They arrived Monday night and we took them to our favorite Mexican restaurant here in Mcallen - Costa Messa. Its SOOOO good! The next day, we got up bright and early and headed to Corpus Christi to visit the Texas State Aquarium! Brett got some discounted tickets because he's the media. Oh, the perks of his job! :)

The aquarium is pretty great! They have turtles, sea otters, sharks, and a really great dolphin show! I love that Kayla is able to experience so many things already in her young life. She's already done more than I had done by the time I was 20. :)

Our little family at the awesome entrance to the Aquarium
The kids were so excited to be there!

We love turtles!
They get so huge!
Look at those two! She's looking more and more like Brett. 

Waiting to feed the sting rays. I fed one and it kind of freaked me out. 
Me getting ready to feed the sting rays.

This is the sweetest photo I've ever seen! They look like they're posing for an engagement or something!
This underwater viewing room was wonderful! I was able to nurse while watching dolphins
in an airconditioned room. It was awesome.

She loved the dolphins!

Family photo with the dolphins!

They had an awesome show with several different birds and animals.

Look at the beautiful colors!

No, this is not a clip from Finding Nemo! It was fun seeing the two types of fish together.

Watching the waves at Corpus Christi

In front of the air craft carrier.
Emily and Noah were so excited for the show to start!

So, I was selected to be a judge for the "Dolphin Olympics!"
I was getting the run-down of our responsibilities
They put on a pretty good show.
Lots of cool jumps!

The 3rd Judge was a bit harsh and the dolphins got upset! 
Those dolphins let us know what they thought of us!
The lady mentioned we would get a bit wet......that was an understatement!

Yeah, I got really really wet!
After I got to join the audience, we got splashed again! The kids were not exactly happy about it.
So I got even more wet. And Kayla did too.
Despite the discomfort that comes with wet clothes, it was really fun and a great show!
Watching the sting rays

We all got to touch this snake.

Checking Noah's wingspan! 
I seriously could watch Dolphins all day long. They're such magnificent creatures. 
Brett and the Sea Horses

Noah and the Sea Horses
The porcupine was awake during the day just long enough to eat so it
was cool that we got to see him. His face was really cute!
This fish kind of creeped me out. It stared at Kayla for awhile. I kept thinking
that it could eat her if it wanted to!

After the aquarium, we went to visit the Selena memorial. I have loved that movie ever since my high school Spanish teacher showed it to us and since living in the Valley, I've gained an even greater appreciation for her. This wall is featured in the movie when the family dances on it.

We are sad that she passed away.

Emily and I  trying to mimic the pose of Selena in her statue.
Me on the stairs in front of the harbor.

It was a great day with great weather. I love aquariums and especially loved the dolphin shows at this one. It was just like Sea World in that sense. Its fun to explore the different things Texas has to offer! And it was especially great to be able to share the trip with our friends. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the picture of Noah and Kayla together! I wish Em would have stowed me away in her suitcase! Eric might be interviewing for a job in Austin (it's all up in the air right now)...we could be Texas buddies :) Love your cute family!
