Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson
Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy 2 Years to US!

This week, Brett and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary. In some ways, it seems like its been so much longer, because its hard to imagine life without Brett. On the other hand, the past 2 years have flown by!! I can't really express how grateful I am to my Heavenly Father for bringing Brett into my life. At times, I wondered if I would ever get married, but this guy was well worth the wait! I hear some people say that marriage is wonderful but hard. Quite frankly, this is the easiest relationship of any kind I've ever had. It feels so natural to be with Brett. He's my best friend and I can't imagine life without him. Good thing I've got him forever!

Here's a few photos of us from our wedding, our first anniversary and the awesome gifts from this year!

Last year, we went to Houston to celebrate. At the time, I was 6 months pregnant. 

Houston Temple 2012
Houston Water Wall 2012

Anniversary Dinner 2013
An ironic experience happened when we went out to dinner this year. To begin the story, last year, we went to dinner at a local Mexican place and had pretty awful service. After dinner, we both felt pretty awful too. Needless to say, it wasn't the best dining experience of our lives. This year, we had some friends here on our actual anniversary, but we went to dinner the Friday before. We decided to try a place recommended to us by some friends. When we arrived, we were seated but it took 15 minutes for a server to come to our table, and that wasn't until we told the hostess we were being ignored. It then took over an hour before we got our food. We were pretty disappointed, but aren't the type to complain. We were baffled that we've had such bad luck with our Anniversary Dinner both years. If we have bad service next year, we'll know we are cursed! That being said, as we were leaving the restaurant, the manager stopped us to ask how our visit was. We hesitated to tell her that the wait was so long, but decided to mention it, and she gave us $20 to come back! Score! Hopefully we don't have to wait so long next time. :)

For gifts this year, Brett was AMAZING! He made this awesome collage of family pictures surrounding the Proclamation. It looks professionally made! I asked him where he got the idea (because I have no original creativity) and he said he just came up with it on his own! I was so impressed!! I gave Brett a globe and made us a Couple Journal. We decided we would use it to write little notes about what we appreciate about each other. I'm really excited about it! I also bought the 3rd season of Modern Family. 

I sure love this guy! 2 years down, an eternity to go! And I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary, telling you again. Thanks for sharing the actual day. We love you guys!!
