Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson
Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kayla 8 Months

Every day is an adventure with this baby girl of ours! I love seeing her personality come through more and more. I really can hardly remember what life was like before she came into it. This month has been a great one for Kayla!

Kayla is completely mobile now! Watch out, mama! Nothing is safe if it's within a few feet of the ground and I've had to do some rearranging.
She follows me around the house as I'm doing whatever needs to be done.
She pulls herself up on everything and everyone (including strangers)
Kayla laughs so easily!
She LOVES other kids. Everything they do is the funniest thing she's ever seen, or so it sounds.
She's a great little eater. The only foods I've found she doesn't like are peas and avocado.
She's now sleeping 10-12 hours every night with three naps throughout the day.
Once in awhile when she's feeling brave, she pushes back from whatever she's standing next to and stands without support. She can stand for a few seconds at a time.
Kayla has started dancing when she's standing. She's actually got really good rhythm too! She's always bouncing up and down and swaying her baby bum around. 
I love when I look over at her, no matter what she's doing and she sees me and a big smile pops up onto her face like, "Hi, mom! I love you."
Kayla loves her Papi! When Brett comes home, she lights up with a big smile and kicks her little legs!
She's becoming more and more vocal. I'm becoming more confident that when she says Mom it has some sort of meaning. She says it when she's crying, especially if I don't pick her up right away.
Kayla is definitely my child in her sleeping habits. She sleeps in the weirdest positions! We've found her sleeping sitting up in her crib several times!
I found her standing in her crib, so we lowered it. She can still pull herself up, so she's always standing there awaiting our entrance in the mornings when she wakes up!
Kayla loves being talked to.
She really is a very happy baby! She rarely cries and is always quick to smile.
Everywhere we go, everyone comments on how beautiful she is. She usually flashes them a big smile! The other day at Walmart, I overheard some little boys pointing to her and saying, "Why are her eyes blue?" Haha! Only in the Valley! :)
We learned this week that she doesn't really like the ocean or wet sand, but she got a good taste of dry sand - gross! Hopefully she learns to like the beach better!
We're still working on getting the upper teeth. She's only got her bottom 2 teeth now.
Kayla is such a cuddly baby. I love picking her up and her wrapping her arms around my neck. She likes to move her little hands in a scratching motion and will lightly scratch the skin on my neck while holding on. Its so precious!

Here's to another month of learning, living and loving. We love our sweet Kayla!

Little Miss standing up in her crib!

I just added the bumpers back in when we lowered the crib. It created this opportunity!
Silly baby sleeping sitting up after falling asleep reading her book. :)

I love how she'll actually slide down this little slide on her play house!
She loves it!

She looks so grown up in this photo, drinking out of her sippy cup like a big girl!
Kayla got stuck under the kitchen chair and couldn't figure out how to get back out.
Mom to the rescue!

Miss destruction can now reach the Wii and DVD player!

If those aren't the cutest little baby teeth I've ever seen.....!

I caught her dancing to some music playing on a commercial the other day while standing by this elephant! Its just her size!

"Oh no! 8 months! My life is flying by!"

"Mom, I'm not in the mood. Can't you see I'm a bit emotional right now?"

"Hey, that kid over there is awesome!"
(so easily distracted from her tears) :)

It looks like she's taking the 8 for a walk!

Our friend's son snapped this photo. This is what I deal with all day.
Bows are no longer her friend, despite my efforts otherwise. 
Happy 8 Month Kayla Rae!

1 comment:

  1. I recall her mama sleeping in some strange positions during our roommate days....
    Love that little girl!
