Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson
Brett, Heather, Kayla, and Tyson

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kayla - Three Years Old!

How do I have a three year old!? Kayla is turning into quite the girl. She is full of personality, creativity and imagination. She makes me laugh all the time and comes up with the craziest things. My favorite thing she's said was in church at Grandma Jean's ward before Christmas. After the final musical number, Kayla stood up and during the silence loudly declared, "That was awful!" The second half of the chapel was busting up, I was humiliated and hysterically laughing all at once!

3 Year Old Interview
How old are you? 3 (prounounced free)
Favorite color? Pink
Favorite toy? Little Mermaind doll
Favorite food? Peanut Butter
Favorite Snack? Nola Bar (granola bar)
Favorite Show? Daniel Tiger
Favorite Movie? Cinderella
Favorite Animal? Monkey
Best friend? Kali
Favorite thing to do outside? Build a Snowman
Favorite drink? Water
What do you always take to bed? Cinderella and lots of dollies
Favorite song to sing? Tarzan (You'll Be In My Heart)
What makes you happy? Tyson
What makes you sad? Tyson sitting on me
What do you love about Mommy? reading books
What do you love about Daddy? playing
What do you love about Tyson? playing with him
What do you want to be when you get big? I don't want to get big!

She loves doing crafts and asks if we can do one almost every morning. She loves browsing Pinterest with me to find something that looks fun to her. Its fun to see her creative side develop. Craft time is also her favorite part of Story Time.

Kayla is a girly girl! She loves wearing her tutu when she dances, will put lots of bows in her hair (and mine), and carries dollies almost everywhere she goes. She loves to me a mommy to her dollies and to Tyson and the little boy I babysit. Sometimes, its helpful, sometimes, terrifying! 


She loves being outside and has had a lot of fun in the snow this winter! We haven't built a snowman yet because we haven't had a good wet snow. Its mostly been dry, but we're waiting and excited!


Kayla loves to laugh and make us laugh. She's starting to figure out what makes us laugh. She is also concerned about everyone's happiness. If I'm feeling stressed or frustrated, she can pick up on that easily and gets very concerned. Last night, we had some detours and bad roads traveling home and we got a  little stressed. Kayla kept asking if I was happy or frustrated. She's got a sweet heart!


Kayla loves dancing! Often times, that consists of running around the kitchen island to any fast paced song that is playing. Tyson chases after her and they have a blast! She took a ballet class last summer and loved it! She's got good rhythm and is turning into quite the singer as well. Lately, she's been wandering around the house singing some unknown song/narration all the time. Its quite adorable. 


Her imagination is exploding! She's always talking to her dollies and acting out different scenarios with them. She also loves books! She's always reading, sometime to Tyson and her dollies. She'll make up the words she doesn't remember and it makes for a pretty entertaining thing to listen in on. 


She's quite the little drama queen. She likes to push her boundaries too. The other day I told her I was in charge. She then said, I don't think you will be in charge in a little bit!"


She also likes to take charge. She often says, "and that's how you do it!" When the little boy I babysit showed me his new big boy underwear in his backpack, Kayla said, "Oh those are beautiful!

She loves the idea of things like Santa Claus but is terrified of them in person! We even went to the Provo Temple Open House the other day, and she got scared that Jesus would be there! We reassured her that she wouldn't see him. 


Her sleeping habits have been rough lately. She's still taking one 2 hour nap a day but at night, she often wanders into our room or wakes up insanely early. We've gotten better at reinforcing the rules and she has gotten better at staying in her bed until her little alarm clock turns green. Parenting is not for the faint of heart!

Kayla is a smart girl and I get comments from others all the time at how well she speaks. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that she's still a toddler because of it. She still throws fits occasionally and is overly emotional quite often. When I get frustrated with her, I try to remind myself that a lot of her qualities will be great as an adult, but in a two or three year old, they're quite frustrating. 

Kayla is really social. She'll point to all the little kids at church and tell me they're her friends. She still misses her Texas friends so much and asks about them all the time. She also loves all her cousins! For awhile, I think she thought all kids were her cousins. 


She's terrified of loud noises. Public restrooms and their loud toilets are the most frightening. The picture below was while going through a carwash. It was the "loudest blue monster" she'd ever seen!

Most of the time, she loves Tyson. She likes to take care of him and make sure he's doing what he's supposed to, which often results in her pushing him down or out of somewhere and he hates that. When they are playing together, its the sweetest thing. When they're screaming, I want to join in, but use my adult maturity to resist, most of the time. 

My mom watched the kids for a weekend the other day while we went to Utah, Later, I was discussing her behavior with my mom and she said that Kayla reminds her of me as a child in almost every way, 

Kayla loves her daddy! He's her favorite to play with and do any activity with. He's definitely her hero and I love seeing them together.

I sure love this little lady of mine! She's made me grow and stretch in a lot of ways as a mother and as a person. I love spending my days with her and especially lately, she's been very sweet. I had a rough patch in my parenting a few months ago and have refocused my efforts a little bit, The results have been much better and there's been less yelling and stress. It makes me appreciate my time with Kayla and appreciate her for the individual she is. I sure love this little girl. Happy Birthday Kayla!

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